7:00AM Arrival
7:30-8:30AM Breakfast
8:40-9:00AM 1st Circle Time for infants/toddlers
9:00-9:15AM 2nd Circle Time for 3’s
Diaper changing
2’s and 3’s: Literacy: morning message/ letter knowledge
Toddlers: Fine motor control
9:35-10:00AM Literacy: 2’s
Math/science: 3’s
Active Play: toddlers
10:00-10:15AM SNACK
10:30-10:45AM Outside play
Every other Friday, Music with Zev
10:50-11:15AM Literacy/moving and learning: toddlers
2’s and 3’s: Fine motor control
11:20-11:45AM Outside play
Diaper changing
11:50AM-12:30PM LUNCH
12:40-1:00PM Story time/ Content Practice
1:00-3:00PM Nap Time/ Individual Quiet Activity
3:00-3:15PM Housekeeping
3:15-3:40PM SNACK
Diaper changing
3:45-4:15PM Practice Social/Emotional Skills: 3’s
2’s: Dramatic Play
Toddlers: Active Play
4:20-4:50PM Games/Art
4:55-5:00PM Preparation for dismissal